​​​Next meetings:
Thursday February 20
Thursday March 20 AGM
Summerland Legion at 7pm
Indoor Archery - Mondays 6:30pm
Summerland Community Center (9710 Brown St)

Summerland Sportsman's Association (SSA) was originally formed as a shooting club in 1906 and became a registered hunting, fishing and conservation club in 1976.​​
SSA Constitution
To conserve and urge wise use of our natural resources which include stable soil, unpolluted water, perpetual forests, vegetation, fish and wildlife, scenic and recreational reservations.
To improve and restore fish, game, and its habitat, to study local resources conditions and to cooperate with the proper authorities in securing conservation plans.
To support sound conservation and to oppose anti-conservation legislation, to promote good sportsmanship afield and to conduct ourselves so as to be an example of good and safe sportsmanship, to respect the proper rights of others.